Bank Statement

Prime Bank

a bank with a difference

Feni Branch

Ref: Prime/Feni 2021

Date: 01/12/2021


This is to certify that Mrs. Ritu Rani Biswas, S/O Dulal Biswas Address : Shibu Khonar Bari, Narottampur, Sonapur, Feni Sadar, Feni,Bangladesh has been maintaining a Savings Account bearing No 8473542940026 with Prime Bank Limited, Feni Branch, Feni since 23 July 2012. A total of tk. 23,00,000/-(Twenty three lac has been credited in the said account during the period from 23 July 2012 to 30 Jun 2021 as Foreign Remittance.

We wish every success in him life.

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