The Head of Human Resources Division
Shimanto Bank Limited
Shimanto Square
Peelkhana, Dhaka
Subject: Resignation Letter.
Dear Sir,
With due respect I have the honour to inform you that I joined at your bank on 30-08-2016 in the post of Junior Officer (GSSD) against ID No: 10029. But due to some unavoidable circumstances I am not in a position to continue my services at your Bank. As such, I tender my resignation in the post Junior Officer (GSSD) with effect from forenoon of today the 6th November, 2016.
May I, therefore, request your honour to accept my resignation as prayed for and release me as per rules of you Bank.
With regards
Yours faithfully
A.K.M Shohrab Hossain
Junior Officer (GSSD), ID No: 10020
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